
(The Final Meeting)

Mr Gasser,

I have a proposition for you to think over. I know we both agreed this would be our last meeting but this is the final closing of a window of opportunity for both of us that I just cant let slip away. Mr Gasser, I am just going to say it: I think I should work for you. I am sure you can already see where this is going, but I’m going to say it anyway: I want to stroll in at the same time every morning and shake hands with the guys, I want a chair to sit in and a phone to answer. Instead of some peculiar appendage I want to be a part of the glue of this place, and I want to get paid.

I know this has been the ongoing debate between us- who is working for who, who benefits how, and how far that benefit really goes. As quickly as I could say I have been working for you (for free), you would say the same thing. I know when you saw me standing with that cardboard sign, the smile on my face was broad, my smart attire ready to convince anyone of my seriousness and reliability. Enthusiastically I bobbed my head and laughed off your warnings that the work would be ‘hard’. Your concerned look and gesture at your hands was met with my ever-eager thumbs up. Yes, I know this was all my idea, really I asked for this, so why would I want money now?

Think Mr Gasser, think of all the possibilities of having someone like me on your payroll. Before you interrupt me, just picture being able to make and unmake this office, those boots, that machine, those hands, this helmet, a thousand different ways- and all this between the hours of 7:30 and 5. I already know your concern is not having the time to dedicate towards such fanciful pursuits. I’m here to say you don’t have to choose between what you want to do and what you need to do. What if these could be the same thing? How would the days pass differently if your imagination was your business and your business was to imagine? What if you could actually understand those songs that ring out every weekday above the dirt and scaffolding? What if those little dances in the ranks of steel and hydraulic mechanisms could be more than just a casual thought or a day dream? What if Khalali and the guys could join you in building the soaring crescendos you love so much?

Would your competitors have thought of that? Guaranteed they have not. I’m not saying there aren’t limits, all I’m saying is: think of the possibilities. You told me once about “something new” you thought we could do together, well I am taking it upon myself to do the same, and really, you would be crazy not to agree! And just because I made mention of ‘fanciful pursuits’ just a moment ago, don’t think for a moment that any of this wouldn’t take place with the utmost seriousness and efficiency- I know as well as any person that time is money. And I know as well as Orlando does, that money is the only conservation and consolation we need.

I am sure you are aware that this offer is made from some degree of necessity, but it may not be exactly the kind of necessity you think. I may be in need of food, rent, and a legitimate visa, but I have also been qualified and committed to something that has seen me firmly trapped in the ‘what if’s and the ‘just imagine’s. You may now say that you have no idea what my peculiar and often gratuitous knowledge could possibly contribute to warrant a concrete exchange of service for cash. Believe it or not, as much as you would like to break out of this office, I would like to break out of this permanent imaginary gain some recourse to the concrete. Do you think that your ritual pursuits of what is beautiful could extend beyond the weekend? Because I think we could really do what we speak of so flippantly. Why would anyone waste time theorizing when true beauty could be found in our very own backyards? It won’t be easy; but we will move with focus, using and exhausting every possible avenue with which to accomplish our task.

I am aware that I have just admitted that what I have to offer is not necessarily necessary. But don’t think for a second that this would end up being be some sort of ‘soup to nuts’ affair. Wait! Don’t laugh! I can work hard for it, and we could even map out the deliverables together. I can get behind focus groups, progress reports, and bi-monthly collective reviews; and I think the guys really could too. I could drive the truck to pick everyone up in the morning, Abilio would drive the collective brainstorm sessions each evening. I could draw plans, Alvaro would draw storyboards. I could lift rocks, George would lift our spirits. By then I will have learned French, and we can all take joy in ‘for once’ saying what it is that we really mean. After a while we all would probably stop seeing the camera and notebook, and our tasks would stop seeming like tasks at all.

You have been very patient with me, and despite your slightly bemused expression I do feel that there might just be some small part of you that could be seriously considering my proposal. I will say that regardless of whether I am to be a future employee, or to remain a parenthesis to the usual order of things, it has been a great pleasure. I think we have proved ourselves a good team; communication problems aside, I think we really helped each other, and for reasons other than remuneration. This arrangement never needed money to justify it. That is of course, until now.



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